Get Up and Get Moving!

You can do this. The hardest part of starting your day when life is tough is getting your mind right. I encourage you today, get moving. Exercise can be many different things to many different people. One thing we all have in common is, we all need exercise. Physically and mentally. I challenge you today, for ten minutes, get moving. It can be physical or mental exercise for 10 minutes. Put your shoes on and do a lap around the block. Pick up a book and read for 10 minutes. Do the below with me if you would like:

  1. 10 jumping jacks
  2. 10 sit ups
  3. 10 squats, sit in a chair and get back up if you have to
  4. 10 push ups, get on those knees if needed

One Comment

  • Heidi

    I’m excited for this! 💚💚💚
    This might just be what I need to get my butt moving.